Side-channel Analysis (SCA) has become a reliable method for cryptanalysts to break cryptographic algorithms. We introduce new countermeasures to mitigate the undesirable events defined in the tree models. By modelling the conditions, we discovered new attack paths to get access to the smart card contents. Indeed, a perturbation on this element can break each other properties.
During this thesis, we focused on the integrity property, especially on the code integrity. We define the properties that must be ensured: integrity and confidentiality of smart card data and code. We apply this method to Java Card vulnerability analysis. This method used in safety analysis helps to understand and implement all the desirable and undesirable events existing in this domain. In order to have a generic view of all the attacks, we propose to use the Fault Tree Analysis. In smart card domain, attacks and countermeasures are advancing at a fast rate. As a smart card embeds critical information, evil-minded people are interested to attack this device. Introduce in the mid-nineties, this technology becomes nowadays the leading application platform in the world. To improve the security of this device with a friendly development environment, the Java technology has been designed to be embedded in a smart card. Smart cards are the keystone of various applications which we daily use: pay money for travel, phone, etc.